When I began my occult journey I got involved with the local pagans. I didn’t realize at the time that it was literally just a splinter group of the local BDSM community. The more time I spent with the pagan group I started getting the feeling they didn’t actually believe in anything they were saying. Everything was just an excuse to try and have an orgy and be non- monogamous. I did not participate. Obligatory “consenting adults can do what they want etc...” but the weird thing was I never once saw any of it work out well. There was always drama, very few people were functional enough to hold down a job and anything remotely seen as a limitation on personal behaviour was the vilest insult. That’s when the truth started coming out. The “leader” of the group had been sexually assaulting many of the women in the group and had previously been to prison for sexually based crimes.

I tried to figure out what the hell was going on. The leader was marginally charismatic but didn’t offer any real answers. The paganism being practiced didn’t offer any spiritual sustenance. It was all shiny rocks and cosplay. (I will say the food was good though.)

I haven’t come to a conclusion yet but your description of the event in Berlin sounds eerily similar. The nihilism of modern materialism seems to lead to exactly these types of anti-human behaviours. It would seem the nameless god feeds off of this nihilism as well.

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This event would definitely not be my cup of tea. If folks indulge in BDSM in a consensual way then that’s up to them, but I don’t see that as being central to occult practise. It’s not edgy to talk about pedophilia, it’s just the sign of a degenerate, perverted mind. No wonder you felt angry.

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Awful art. Sad.

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Sounds like a living nightmare, and pretty much sums up why I utterly dread joining a magic community to practice in. (The little searching I've done has pretty much led me to similar, if not quite as extreme, places.)

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